jeudi 23 juin 2016




                  Chocolate cake                         



Ingredients pour 8 children
- 200g dark chocolate
- 4 eggs
- 125 g unsalted butter
- 200g caster sugar
- 100g of flour
- 1 teaspoon baking powder

Preparation of the recipe :

Preheat oven to 180 ° C (gas mark 6).

Melt the chocolate in a double boiler or in the microwave. If you melt in the microwave, add 3 tablespoons of water to 200 g of chocolate.

Add the butter to the melted chocolate and whisk vigorously until the mixture is smooth and well blended.

In a bowl, whisk the eggs and sugar until the mixture whitens and stir the yeast and flour.

Pour the melted chocolate and butter in the preparation and mix until smooth.

Pour into a cake pan buttered and floured.

Cook for about 25 minutes (adjust the cooking time for a heart more or less based).


You can make your cake in a loaf pan. In this case, the baking time is 45 minutes. It goes very well with custard! Pay attention to the cooking! You will leave the cake less time if you want a real fudge.

lundi 20 juin 2016

                                                          Chocolate pear cake


Recipe type: Dessert
Number of Units: 8 shares
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 5 minutes
Ready in: 15 minutes
Difficulty: Easy
Calories: 199 Kcal (1 part)
ProPoints: 5 (1 part)

- 100 g dark chocolate dessert Pastry 64%
- 50 g butter to 41% of M. G.
- 60 g cornflour
- 20 g of sugar
- 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
- 100 g whole evaporated milk to 7.5% of M. G. (Régilait)
- 2 small eggs
- 1 diced pear

Step 1: In a microwave, melt chocolate + butter. Mix well.

Step 2: Add all the remaining ingredients (except pears) and mix using a food processor ... for a smooth chocolate preparation.

Step 3: Pour it into a mold adapted to the microwave oven or in a silicone mold.

Step 4: Put the diced pears in the preparation and cook for 4 minutes to power 750 W.