samedi 23 avril 2016


                                         Crêpes de la Chandeleur!                                      

Originally, Candlemas is a Christian holiday that is also called the festival of candles. We tell you a little more about the customs and traditions of this day when we blew pancakes.
The origin of Candlemas
40 days after Christmas, on February 2, Christians celebrate the presentation of Jesus in the temple and the purification of the Virgin. Candlelight processions are organized and each believer brings with him a candle to protect his home. It is also the day when we remove the Christmas crib. As for pancakes, symbol of Candlemas, everyone does not agree on their origin. It seems that is prepared pancakes to celebrate the arrival of spring and hope that the next harvest will be a

A custom must be respected when you make pancakes: it is the piece of gold. At the time of breaking the first pancake with your right hand, you must take a gold coin in his left hand for the entire year be prosperous. At the time, it was also customary to keep this first pancake in a closet until the next year to ensure good harvests and enough money for the year. You now know what you have to do!

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