jeudi 28 avril 2016


                          gourmet squares hazelnuts, chocolate and honey


Recipe Type: Other
Number of units: 4 shares
Preparation time: 15 minutes
Cooking time: 56 minutes
Ready in 1 h 11 m
Difficulty: Easy
Calories: 1128 Kcal (1 part)
ProPoints: 30 (1 part)


The ingredients for the cake:
- 150 g flour
- 1 tablespoon nutmeg coffee
- 60 g hazelnut almond powder
- 110 g brown sugar
- 90 g butter, melted

Ingredients for the topping:
- 200 g flaked almonds crushed hazelnuts
- 3 eggs
- 55 g brown sugar
- 90 g of honey
- 100 g of black chocolate milk


Step 1: Combine the flour, nutmeg, the nuts of almonds, sugar and melted butter and earn a good thick paste (if necessary add a little water if it really is too dry).

Step 2: Spread the dough in a rectangular pan not too big and cook at 180 ° 12 minutes, until the cake is lightly browned.

Step 3: Separately, melt the chocolate and add the eggs, sugar and honey.

Step 4: On the cake, sprinkle almonds or hazelnuts. Add the melted chocolate preparation.

Step 5: Bake 40 minutes at 160 ° until the filling is firm.

Step 6: Let cool and refrigerate before cutting pretty square.

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