jeudi 21 avril 2016



                                                             the Griwechs


ingredients :

500g flour
150g margarine
1 pinch salt -1 pinch of sugar
1 egg
orange blossom water, Safran
1 tablespoon vinegar dessert
250g honey
100g sesame
1 half glass of water
1 pinch of baking
200g sesame
5 cl oil

Preparation :

Bake in the oven sesame seeds just a minute. Pour the sesame seeds in a mortar and pestle crush at the end to get a powder like flour, add the oil, mix, and you get the dough sesame. It is best to use a mixer mill especially when dealing with a large amount.

In a large bowl pour the flour, make the fountain, pour in the center, bicarbonate, salt, sugar, beaten egg, vinegar, orange blossom water, melted margarine and cooled, mix the ingredients together to get some kind of ointment, dropping the flour into the mixture, mix it all, at this stage join sesame paste, adhere to the set, and finally start to incorporate water into which you have diluted saffron in small quantities while starting to knead.

Once the assembled dough, kneaded, smooth soup, let it rest. Make a large sausage with the dough, divide it into several portions, take a serving, sprinkle the flour work surface, roll the dough with a roller in a lowered 3 mm, cut rectangles of about 4 5 cm incision inside practicing four incisions without coming up at the end, entangled angles, making them stand out from the incisions, work the rest of the dough by placing the cake on trays.

Heat oil in a deep fryer, place a large quantity of cakes in the frying basket, immerse the basket in the pan, cakes will make a nice coloring, highlighting the basket to drain the cakes on paper towels .

Place the root ball in cakes in a pretty tray, gently melt the honey, pour it over the cake, then sprinkle the griwechs toasted sesame seeds.

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