vendredi 29 avril 2016


                                                    Yogurt cake and lime


Here's a cake recipe yoghurt and lemon I have adapted a bit because the recipe originally was to put all the ingredients in a food and all pour into the mold.

Ingrédients :

120g plain yogurt 0% 1 PP

Sugar 60 6.5 PP

same volume of 0 PP baking sweetener

30 grams of ghee for cooking 41% 3.5 PP

250 grams flour 23 PP

2 whole eggs 4,5 PP

1 lime untreated PP 0

1 tsp vanilla sugar 1 PP

1 teaspoon baking powder

préparation :

Preheat oven to 200 ° C.

Grate zest of lime and then extract the juice.

Mix sugar, vanilla sugar, sweetener and egg yolks with a whisk (or drummer) until frothy. Add the butter, yoghurt, flour, baking powder, zest and lemon juice. Mix everything again.

Beat the egg whites and add them gently to the preparation with a wooden spoon to avoid breaking the whites.

Pour into a pan with high sides or a cake pan.

Bake 30-40 min. The cake should be well puffed and golden on top. (When you drive a knife, he should come out dry. When this is the case, immediately stop the cooking otherwise it will be overcooked!

Let cool before serving!

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